Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Land-Disturbing Activities: HB1009

If enacted, Virginia House Bill #1009 would not change existing laws regulating "land-disturbing activities" such as grading and digging; it would merely specify the way complaints about these activities must be delivered to the disturber of the land. Full text is here; remember, only the words shown in "strikethrough" or italic type show changes in the existing law.


Requiring notice to be delivered in writing and attached to the premises in question is good, so far as it goes. I wish this bill had gone further. The state doesn't need to be paying "planning authorities" to "inspect" construction activities. The state is inevitably about to be handed too many other expenses as Americans come to terms with the fact that the federal government can't go on paying these expenses forever. A petition system, as discussed earlier, would be a more effective way to monitor land-disturbing activities and their actual impact on neighborhoods.

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