Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tax Credits for Microenterprise Investment: HB783

Virginia House Bill #783 would, if enacted, offer tax breaks for investments in "microenterprises" in the field of energy and technology. Full text:

Some Tea Partiers will be alert for possible Agenda 21 connections. I'm not an expert, but I don't see them here. HB783 is meant to reward groups of up to ten Virginia residents for creating business ventures that would harvest wind, solar, and landfill gas energy. It could potentially incorporate further details that might please those who are seriously interested in sustainable energy as such. It could potentially allow those who are more interested in encroaching on our national, state, and individual sovereignty to negotiate deals with the small business owners themselves that aren't what anyone in Virginia really wants. The details need to be worked out. However, as a proposal to satisfy both the need to improve our use of sustainable energy and the need to preserve our sustainable social and political systems, HB783 looks good.

Perhaps some wording could be added defining encroachment, micromanagement, and taxing and regulating businesses to death, as unsustainable politics?

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