Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Georgetown Law Student Wants You to Keep Her on "The Pill"

The twerp's name is Sandra Fluke, and Billy Hallowell shares the video of her plea for tax-funded contraceptive pills here:

Hallowell, a proud member of Team Beck, approvingly cites Glenn Beck's calling Miss Fluke's rant "insane."

I think that's giving her too much credit. If she were my daughter, which thank goodness she's not, I'd turn her over my knee while telling her: You're old enough to know which one form of birth control works reliably enough for Tightwad Aunt Pris to consider it cost-effective...namely, keeping your legs crossed. You're also old enough to know what to do to keep your dates interested while you keep your legs crossed. Even if you weren't old enough to know, Washington, of all cities on Earth, would be the place where young men would have explained it all to you. If you've not figured that out by now, you're not intelligent enough to be in Georgetown, and not only am I unwilling to pay for your contraceptive pills, I'm unwilling to pay for your tuition at any college anywhere.

I'm not Catholic. I wouldn't have a problem with paying for contraceptive pills if they'd been prescribed by a doctor, if you'd discovered a real medical need for them, after marriage or even (as the result of some unfortunate medical conditions) at puberty. But if you're already going to college at the expense of taxpayers, why not use that flippin' brain we're supposed to be helping you develop, already. Creativity is the contraceptive you need. The words "I don't take 'The Pill'" should be part of your creative contraceptive plan.

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