Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Another Church Attacked in Nigeria

Billy Hallowell reports on the latest Boko Haram outburst:


This web site has actively solicited comments from Muslims who disagree with Boko Haram. We have yet to receive any. Some readers may have been unable to comment due to cookie issues with Google; if so, please e-mail appropriate comments to salolianigodagewi@yahoo.com. But it's looking more and more as if decent Muslims, who are loyal to a fault, have been hijacked, bound by a misguided sense of duty to support intolerable behavior in the name of Islam.

I understand that Nigerians may be afraid Boko Haram will attack their homes next; I'm talking about Muslims who are in the United States and should be free from physical danger. Where do you stand? With the Compassionate and Merciful God, or with terrorists?

American liberal values have traditionally taught that Muslims' right to practice their faith deserves respect too. If Muslims continue to support, or fail to denounce, terrorism, then a lot of us are going to have to change that opinion. Everyone has the right to pray and worship in whatever way they believe is right. Nobody has a right to trespass on their neighbors' property and attack their neighbors. Any religion that shows confusion about this raises doubts about its legitimacy as a way people pray and worship.

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