Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Phenology: Wetness Continues

I see a lot of reports of hot, dry weather in other parts of these United States. Scott County is not actually seeing any of it. Although this photo was taken in Sweden, on a larger lake, with lower hills in the background...

...that is pretty much the way our big pond, or small lake, has looked for most of July.

Good news: abnormal weather patterns have killed most of the insects that belong in this part of the world. Sometimes I actually open a window at night and do not immediately have a house full of moths.

Bad news: abnormal weather patterns are encouraging insects that do not normally belong in this part of the world. I've seen palmetto bugs around the Cat Sanctuary, and they're not supposed even to try to survive at this altitude. And, of course, the abnormal weather patterns are encouraging all kinds of fungi, including root rot, fire blight, tomato blight, and other things that are definitely not what the farmers needed.

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