Thursday, August 30, 2012

Swing Voters: Insane?

Rush Limbaugh has a good theory about the independent types known as swing voters...

...but actually, I think it's trying to generalize about a diverse group of people with nothing much in common that's insane. How are two uncommitted, non-party-member-types alike? Well, we all drink water, we all breathe oxygen, and some of us vote in the United States, and that's as far as it goes.

Some, but by no means all, swing voters have another trait in common. Some of us look at the facts first, while forming our opinions, and only then do we look at who else is expressing similar ideas. That would be the person we--my kind of swing voters--support.

And I don't see how it's possible for us to support Romney, because if you don't support Obama there's very little real reason to support Romney, other than some personal attachment to a party affiliation or a physical type, or maybe one of them's having once attended the same school you did, or whatever. Voting against Obama may mean voting for Romney; if so it won't be a real vote, because, for those of us who aren't attached to a party label, it won't be a real choice.

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