Monday, October 29, 2012

Warren Buffett Likes Junkfood...and the Obamas...

No surprise for Laura Ingraham's readers: Obamaphile Warren Buffett publicly stated that, at 84, he loves junkfood--especially Cherry Coke.

And the Obamas like junkfood, too. For Mrs. Obama, maintaining her status as a fashion icon and getting some vegetables into the children's diet are understandable concerns. However, considering that both Obamas love their red meat, ice cream, cake, and French fries as much as any other couple of slim people, and the President also smokes cigarettes, backing Mayor "Tiny Portions" Bloomberg's much-ballyhooed "war on soda" is not merely silly, as Buffett calls it. It's hypocritical.

I happen to like broccoli. Steamed just enough to brighten the buds and sprinkled with salted nuts, it's a meal. I also like spinach. In a stew with garbanzos and chicken broth, it's yummy. And it's high time we had a First Lady who was free enough from elitist bigotry to admit there's nothing quite like a fresh-picked vine-ripened tomato...unless it would be fresh-picked corn on the cob...or fresh raw asparagus. (My mother never had to tell a child to eat his or her asparagus. The problem was getting any asparagus into the kitchen.)

Gourmets have been singing the praises of garden-fresh vegetables for hundreds of years and I'm all in favor of a White House that can join the chorus...but let's leave it at that, please. Tell people what you like to eat, but unless you are their personal physician, don't tell other people what they should eat. Or not eat.

And let's admit it: Bloomberg is not personally concerned about the looks of New Yorkers, much less their health. He is an ambitious politician. He is concerned about MONEY. He is trying to help a corporation charge more for less of their product. As they say in New York: feh.

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