Monday, August 22, 2011

Women Who Bash Women

Granted: Hillary Rodham Clinton isn't perfect. Sarah Palin isn't perfect. Michele Bachmann isn't perfect.

Of the three, Bachmann is the one who's not been actively campaigning on an idea I don't support, but in view of the way so many spineless corporate executives have fallen into line with the homosexual lobby, I have to wonder about her campaign. Is it possible for a serious candidate to confront the homosexual lobby, head-on, early in a serious campaign? Does Bachmann actually want to be elected?

Then I see another female writer--an e-friend, actually--going into the same lemon-squeezing, nit-picking, can't-support-a-woman-unless-we-see-wings-and-halo routine that grossed me out when women were doing it to the other two candidates, and I'm disgusted.

Both Presidents Bush "misspoke" regularly. Both Presidents Bush did things that invited criticism, but surely, by now, we've seen that "misspeaking" does not prevent a person from being a competent, reelectable President.

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