Monday, October 17, 2011

Thanks to Our Local Sponsor: Cowans Branch Baptist Church

Google is supposed to be matching AdSense ads to these posts, which is supposed to make all the search engines steer readers to this blog and help us become a real, paying magazine. So far it's not happening, but this blog has attracted a local sponsor at the Cowans Branch Baptist Church in Yuma, Virginia.

A full-length article about this church, probably summarizing a sermon, will appear in the next week or two. For now, I just want to mention briefly that you, too, can become a local sponsor and get an article (in the 400-500 word range) about any business, church, charity, or other interest of your choice on this web site. You can pay one of us to write the story, or write it yourself.

If you want an ad that looks like an AdSense ad, we recommend contacting Google (click here:, since none of us has the technical ability even to tell you whether an ad you'd designed to look like that is legal at this site. However, contact information for businesses and organizations (not individuals) can be included in the article.

We can also display digital photos, and we welcome pictures of the scenic, historic churches and other old buildings in Scott County.

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