Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Social Ethics: The Duty to Avoid Dependence on Others

What she said...

It rained all day yesterday. I walked to the computer center and walked most of the way back. It rained all day again today. I walked most of the way to the computer center. I'll probably be walking back. Seven miles. In the rain. In the dark. Along a two-lane road that has ditches instead of sidewalks.
How much am I getting paid for this? How much have you paid for this blog-reading experience?
What I'm not going to do, in the foreseeable future, is collect any form of welfare. For me, literally freezing or starving to death is a possibility; pretending I'm not willing, able, and abundantly qualified to work is not. It's up to other people, like you, Gentle Reader, to make sure that I'm reasonably compensated for what I do.

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