Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Women's Right to Be Done Wrong?

A concept with which my generation used to be tiresomely familiar was expressed by the phrase "false dichotomy." During my formative years, everybody accused everybody of presenting a false dichotomy.

What this meant was that, by taking sides in what was being presented as a two-sided debate, people were being forced to support claims that weren't actually true or helpful, instead of working through the issues and arguing for what they believed to be true.

The whole abortion debate that's raged throughout my lifetime is, I believe, the quintessential example of a false dichotomy. What's being presented as women's "right to choose" is of course their right to react to past abuse by what often, even when the procedure is done as well as it can be done, amounts to suicide.

"Fetal homicide"? What happened to plain old malpractice?

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