Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Oppose the Value-Added Tax: HJ92

Virginia House Joint Resolution #92 opposes the creation of a "Value Added Tax." Full text:


The language could have been stronger (without even being unparliamentary). Value Added Tax is one of the reasons why other countries' economies lag behind ours, debt-ridden as we are. We do not need another drag on production. We do not need, in fact, to copy anything that's been tried by a country that's already gone bankrupt. When anyone proposes such an idea, we do not need to pretend to be taking it seriously.

If we think of Europeans as friends, we need to try to help them copy our ideas, such as not having a Value Added Tax. We don't need to consider following any of their bad ideas.

Here's a free tip for readers who don't live in Virginia: You can copy either the link to the full text, or the text itself, of HJ92 and send it to your elected representatives...either in your state legislature, or in Congress, or both.

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