Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Untimely Death of Michael Clarke Duncan

It's not faaair. The actor who was born to play scarey-looking but deeply nice guys, Michael Clarke Duncan, went vegetarian to help protect himself from heart disease...and died from heart disease, anyway, at 54. Christopher Santarelli reports, with photos:


In case it means anything to his friends and relatives, I'll share this. I don't watch a lot of TV or movies. I have read most of Stephen King's books--call it a way of preserving fond memories of two ex-boyfriends who were fans and collectors--but I wait to find them at a charity sale. So I hadn't read The Green Mile, or watched it, until it happened to be rerun on TV while my Significant Other was sitting up with a sick relative. Since his eyes tire even more easily than mine, and he doesn't often read fiction, I was astounded to get a call from him saying, "You have to read The Green Mile. Maybe I'll even rent it and watch it again with you some day. That's a great movie. Tom Hanks is a prison guard and this guy who plays the convict does an even better job than Tom Hanks does...but you should read the book. I don't want to spoil the story."

This is the man who does not call to tell people about a great movie. This is the serious, time-conscious man who normally thinks of hiking on a trail, as distinct from doing some sort of outdoor job, as "idle tourist stuff--life's too short." Even on a date. So the idea of his even watching a movie, as opposed to using one as a cover-up for semipublic displays of affection, said a lot about the quality of Duncan's acting. I'm not surprised that he was nominated for an Oscar. I'm surprised he didn't get one.

Maybe this gifted man should have changed his diet sooner. Michael Clarke Duncan didn't look 54, but he would have been good in grizzled-veteran parts, too, if he'd lived long enough to become grizzled.

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