Monday, November 12, 2012

Confederates in Michigan? (Yikes!)

At last report, people opposed to Obamacare, U.N. treaties, "eminent domain," and other un-American abuses associated with the Obama Administration have composed petitions for twenty states to secede from the Union:

(That's right...between the creation of this link this morning, and the time I clicked on it later this morning, another state petition appeared.)

Gentle Readers, secession has been tried, and it has failed. And even if it were to succeed, what could the enemies of democracy like better than the collapse of the United States? There are ways to get rid of un-American elected officials; one that this web site particularly favors is making paper ballots mandatory in all elections, and not allowing "electronic ballots" to be counted in un-American countries. Self-destruction is not the way countries put an end to tyranny.

You can trust me. I'm from Virginia. We know about these things.

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