Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What Is the Fiscal Cliff?

Fair disclosure: I didn't watch Mike Opelka's video demonstrating that the uneducated masses in these United States have no idea what economists and politicians mean by "the fiscal cliff."


Clue for the clueless: The fiscal cliff is what that economic current of "free" subsidized goodies, on which we've been so happily floating for so long, is leading us over. Crash! Splash! Anticipate major breaks in the welfare safety net. Social Security cuts, Medicaid and Medicare cuts, food stamp cuts...


Post office closings, library staff layoffs, cuts in wages and benefits for troops and their families, and worse. The trouble with the fiscal cliff is that nobody's willing to try to make it work in a good way. We could see all federal employees including the President voluntarily capping their wages at $100,000 per year, all non-essential federal office staff permanently retired, and welfare programs transferred back to local communities--all of which would save the Fed a lot of money--but instead we can look forward to more protection for the fattest hogs at the trough, especially the new hogs from the welfare industry, and cuts for disabled veterans. (After all, federal officials know you and I don't intend to let disabled veterans freeze this winter, and they know we do not feel the same way about unnecessary paper pushers.)

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