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Thursday, April 26, 2012

CISPA Attacks Freedom of the Electronic "Press"

If you really rely on the freedom of the Internet "press"--or have ever trusted it--you may want to call your Congressional Representative today. CISPA is up for consideration. Basically, it ensures that freedom of the press will never be construed to include the'Net.

The following explication was copied and pasted, by request, from James Wilson's e-mail:

Quote of the Day: "If you believe in privacy and free markets, you should be deeply concerned about the proposed marriage of government intelligence gathering with private, profit-seeking companies. CISPA is Big Brother writ large, putting the resources of private industry to work for the nefarious purpose of spying on the American people." - Rep. Ron Paul

Thanks to you . . .

Rep. Mike Rogers has embraced good changes to his cybersecurity bill (CISPA). You can see the changes here.

You caused this. DC Downsizers were part of an army that "withdrew consent" from CISPA. And Rogers addressed some of your concerns.


But . . .

This means CISPA must be defeated... and the House vote is scheduled for Friday.

Please call your Rep. You'll see the number when you log in at our "Hands Off the Internet" campaign.

You can say this . . .

I'm calling to oppose the CISPA cybersecurity bill. I don't want companies spying on me, and then sharing my private info with the government. I don't see how this protects me from cyber attacks.

It's that simple. And while you're on the page of our "Hands Off the Internet" campaign, please send a letter too.

You can copy or edit this one . . .

Oppose CISPA (HR 3523). I don't want companies spying on me and giving my private info to the Feds. I'm shocked that this bill would allow my Internet activities to flow directly to the NSA. If I want to talk to the NSA I'll call them. Otherwise the Constitution and common sense says they need a warrant to spy on me.

I don't even trust the motives behind this bill. As TechDirt asks ( Why should I be afraid of cyber-attacks if Congressmen don't even secure their own websites? You're a more likely target than I am. I think this bill is a fraud.

I withdraw my consent to be governed in this way. Oppose CISPA!


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

We thank you for taking action, and for sharing this with your social networks and friends.

James Wilson
Policy Research Director, Inc.

Meanwhile...for my own personal files, I'm trying to salvage a vanishing blog. I am so respectful of this e-friend's privacy that I'm not even going to mention the person's name; let's just say that many many people, including myself, freely shared lots of intellectual property on this blog, and I don't want to lose the whole site upon the demise of the editor. So I tried just printing the blog, but unfortunately it has one of those horrible cut-and-collapse formats where chunks have to be opened individually in order to get them to print. And I'm afraid to copy anything from the Internet onto a floppy disk. So I've been trying, and this is a project I've been pursuing, as time allowed, over several months now, to paste everything into e-mails to myself and print them as money and logistics allow. And in order to "protect"...whom, exactly? Not my friend, not me, and not the free-blog host...anyway, Yahoo is already testing software that's supposed to sabotage e-mails if anything from a "copyrighted site" has been pasted into them. This is supposed to replace individual vigilance in case some jerk wants to claim he wrote a poem someone posted on a blog? ??? Feh.

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