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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mass Murder and Suicide in Seattle

Once again, the man who suddenly shot five random strangers before turning the gun on himself "was mentally ill." Please, Madeleine Morgenstern, dig deeper. Was he using antidepressants? For how long? Had he reported "new, long-buried" memories of horrific past abuse after beginning to use antidepressants?

Mainstream newspapers (e.g. the Washington Post) used to mention this useful information regularly; then, as it became obvious that almost all random murders followed by suicides were associated with use of antidepressants, pharmaceutical companies demanded that the mainstream newspapers censor the pertinent facts. This is the kind of thing we read strictly private news media, e.g. The Blaze, for.

If antidepressants are going to save more lives than they cost, they need to be used in strictly controlled conditions; patients should be either hospitalized or closely supervised while using these drugs.

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