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Monday, August 13, 2012

More Pillow Talk from Kerri Smith

Fair disclosure: I'm watching how Indiegogo promotes this successful fundraising drive with e-mails.

At the time of posting, Kerri Smith hasn't yet released the video mentioned. I wouldn't have time to watch it if she had. If you do, watch this space...

Keyword time? For those who weren't here last week: Kerri Smith is the entrepreneur-mom who had to raise four thousand dollars to comply with mandatory pillow tag fees in order to market an innovative pillow. Kerri Smith's "Belly Rest" pillows are designed for pregnant women. Kerri Smith also did a wacky rap video featuring pregnant women and saxophones in a prison-like setting. Kerri Smith's rapper name is Kdiggy. Kerri Smith also markets super-cool black tote bags with the logo "Not to Be Removed Under Penalty of Law."

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