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Monday, September 10, 2012

Book Report: The Great Destroyer

The Must-Have Portable Data File for Presidential Election 2012

Book Title: The Great Destroyer

Author: David Limbaugh

Author's web page:

Publisher: Regnery

Date: 2012

ISBN: 1596987774

Length: over 500 pages with over 100 pages of endnotes

Drat it, where'd that library copy get to when I wanted to look up the quote? Anyway, the quote I would have selected, by way of recommendation for The Great Destroyer, is the introductory promise that this book can become "your one-stop shop" for facts, figures, and quotes if you get into a debate about Presidential Election 2012.

If you've been keeping up with election news, as it might be by reading this web page, most of the stories will be familiar. That means you'll be able to skip enough to scan the whole book, and remember what you're likely to want to look up in it, in a week or less. It also means you might decide, after scanning it, that a library copy is enough. Unless you plan to hang out in party headquarters and participate in election debates daily, that's probably the case.

If you have not been keeping up with election news, as it might be because you've been overseas and have had limited access to U.S. news stories even online...there's still time to read The Great Destroyer before you vote. Unless you're a speed reader, however, you won't have time to read a library copy. If you'll be doing more with this book than scanning the presentation of familiar material, order your own copy online now. If your vote is in doubt, you need this book.

Limbaugh doesn't pretend to be impartial. He's a Republican (of course), and he's picked the deadliest quotes, including Joe Biden's faint praise for China's abortion-pushing policy. He also offers a stunning array of statistics about how Obama's bailouts, stimuli, and proposed Obamacare disaster have affected our national economy.

The Great Destroyer contains about four times as many facts as The Amateur, and although it's less insightful, it's more comprehensive than Never Allow a Crisis to Go to Waste. If you can read only one campaign book, much as I'd prefer to recommend the more obscure (and interesting) read, this is the basic book that will make up for not having read/watched the headline news for the past four years.

If you have checked the headline news at least every week or two, buy Never Allow a Crisis to Go to Waste for yourself, and make sure your library, party headquarters, school, and other places where you hang out have a copy of The Great Destroyer for general reference.

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