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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Binding Spells for Christians?

In the Pagan/Wiccan community, there is a saying that whatever magical energy you send out returns to you three times over. This makes modern Witches uncomfortable with the idea of hexing people, no matter how desperately people may need it. As the author known as Starhawk puts it, "binding spells" are safer. "If you bind a rapist, you may find yourself magically prevented from committing rape, but this should not be a problem."

According to Starhawk, this is all about altering your own consciousness through speaking to your "magical-thinking" inner child in ways he or she can understand, anyway; Christians who believe in active, personal "demons" disagree. This Christian web site does not recommend casting spells, and refers questions about the practice to e-friend Elizabeth Barrette.

However, terms and concepts have a way of getting around...Lloyd Marcus reports a passivist Christian friend trying to use "binding prayers" to prevent a candidate whose ideas he doesn't completely like from implementing laws the friend doesn't like.

Magical thinking for Christians? ???

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