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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Europe Wants to Help Monitor the Election

Marilyn Assenheim reports:

It's too late for "conservative" poll watchers to read this, in Virginia, at least, where they're already on duty, but this web site may need to offer a special tip to poll watchers (of all kinds). Be nice! Voting is supposed to be a pleasant community event. Do not "intimidate" voters. Your goal is to know the ones in your neighborhood personally, such that, if one of them has an identical twin who has been out of town for years but wants to vote in this election, you'll hear the difference in the twin's voice and recognize his or her first name. The most efficient way to do that is by making friends.

If you do (unfortunately) see/hear all members of some minority group as alien creatures who are likely to vote the wrong way, this web site recommends recusing yourself from serving as a poll watcher or election judge, on the grounds of unfitness. This may not be a moral issue. Maybe you just haven't spent enough time around people--even people of your own ethnic type--to recognize the ones who belong at the polls. (This is why I'm not a poll watcher.) Being unqualified to do a job is not a moral issue, but pretending you're qualified when you're not is a moral issue. A good poll watcher hears a foreign accent and thinks "Here comes Mrs. Chung," not "Here comes a foreigner who's going to vote against border security."

I trust all Tea Party contacts, some of whom have recruited poll watchers, are conscious of this. Obviously the main reason why it's important is common decency, but a subsidiary reason is that we agree with Marilyn Assenheim. Europe has no business "monitoring" our elections. Europe has enough problems of its own.

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