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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Steve Elliott Forwards Glenn Beck Ancient Message

Steve Elliott, whose Tea Party group is called Grassfire Nation, reports finding post-election consolation in a very old "message to exiles." He forwarded the message to Glenn Beck, and is now sharing a video of Beck reading the message aloud.

This web site likes Elliott's position, and encourages sharing this message with anybody you know who wants to secede from the United States. (The whole e-mail, including a link to Elliott's site where you can donate e-money if you have some to spare, is below.)

I mean, honestly, Gentle Readers. Apart from the fact that, if our Constitution as it stands today provided for referenda allowing states to secede peacefully (and maybe it should) the first act of an independent isolated Virginia would be to crack up into three pitiful little sub-states that could even claim to speak different languages...what good can possibly come from destroying our unique United States, our heritage, and our cultural legacy to the world? I've often said that Tea Parties have no rules about blood alcohol content, but exactly how much have some people out there been drinking?

There was a lot of truth even in the old Birch Society documents my father used to critique with his children--along with a lot of what turns out, in historical perspective, to have been fire-drilling. There are people who have serious schemes to "rule the world" and, although the Bible and common sense tell us they can't really do that, some of them are rich enough and evil enough to do a lot of damage just trying. And of course there are all those old prophecies that the world itself is going to end in 2012, or maybe 2014, or whenever the last person who was alive in 1914 dies; it's hard for me to take these very seriously, because when I was in college some of us seriously thought there might never be a year 2000, but sooner or later civilization as we know it probably will come to an end.

Fair disclosure: Grandma Bonnie Peters and her Seventh-Day Adventist connections have been saying for many years that nothing political is worth taking seriously, because the world's likely to come to an end within our lifetimes anyway. So has our e-friend Tim LaHaye, although his reading of the prophesies is different. There are a good half-dozen versions of this line of thought floating around in the Christian community. We're going to be wafted off into Heaven, or Jesus is going to come back to Earth, or both (in sequence), and all the sincere Christians are going to live happily ever after, although according to some schools of thought the rest of humankind are in for a real horror show...see the whole Babylon Rising and Left Behind series.

I'm not saying that I doubt it. I'm not saying that it won't happen during the next four years. Frankly, having lost my father, husband, brother, grandparents, surrogate grandparents, and a disheartening number of friends some of whom were younger than I am, some days I think "The Rapture" has already happened and I've already been "Left Behind." I'm just saying that I've not had a vision telling me to preach that kind of thing to youall, yet. (If either a vision or sober reason ever do tell me to start preaching it, I will.)

What I am saying is that Christian teachers have been preaching, since a few days after the reported Ascension of Christ, that we have to live our lives both as if we (and our society) were going to be around forever, and as if we were going to die tomorrow.

When the Rapture or the Return or whatever happens, I want it to find me doing what I believed to be the best thing I was able to do, in a world that might last forever or might end tomorrow.

That's why I find Steve Elliott's message so congenial. It's not the happiest message I can think of, but it ought to give some hope and comfort to those who can't think of any better alternatives to secession-for-pity's-sake.

From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, Grassfire

November 13, 2012


Six days ago and just hours after the crushing political defeat known as the 2012 elections, I wrote a letter to Grassfire team members that has already gone further than I ever imagined.

In that letter, I openly shared how the Election Day defeat left me feeling like a political "exile" in my own land. And yet, I found hope in a 2,500-year-old letter to exiles written by the prophet Jeremiah that got me out of bed early the next morning and ready to take on the challenges to come.

That letter had a clear message to exiles of all ages: Build! Plant! Bless! And Pray!

I have heard directly from hundreds of patriots and indirectly from thousands more who said that letter moved them from depression to hope. Immediately after the election, they wanted to "pack it in" and just survive the next four years under Obama. But after reading the letter, they are ready to build.

I am still in a state of "stun" as I watch our nation being thrown into what seems to be a dictatorship arena with the re-election of Obama. I have been moping around the house today, so gloomy and doomed in my mind as how my/our futures will be affected. However, the email I have just received from Steve TOTALLY lifted my spirits. --Monica, Tennessee

When I awoke today, I was ready to rid myself of my computer, turn off the television and simply hibernate. But now, although I have reached my eightieth year, I will not be smothered. I will continue to build, to plant, to bless and to pray. Thank you for helping me when I had given up hope. --Dale, Texas

Of all the emails I received today, in an effort to comfort our wounds of defeat, YOURS was by far the most wonderful. I am now feeling more encouraged to continue moving forward without fear. --Connie, California

I could go on and on. Please note that I only take credit for delivering the message. The message itself is timeless and true -- spanning generations and reaching right to our current state of affairs.

+ + Glenn Beck Reads My "Letter to Exiles"

Then we heard that Glenn Beck read nearly the entire letter verbatim on his radio show, which is simulcast on his television network.

Beck didn’t just read the email -- he read it with passion and with a purpose. After reading the letter, Beck said:

“If that is not one of the most profound things you have heard if you are looking for a plan ... Exile. Build. Have children. Marry them off. Strengthen, strengthen, strengthen. And be a blessing to others.” --Glenn Beck

I'd like you to see the video of Glenn Beck reading the "Letter to Exiles." It's a powerful presentation by a man who truly understands the importance of building during this time of exile.

Go here or click on the image below to watch Glenn Beck's reading of the "Letter to Exiles" or to see my original letter.


+ + The Rest of the Story

It's clear that this message to "build" is a vitally important one for us political exiles as we move forward into the second Obama term.

And there's actually more to the "story" that needs to be told. In the coming days, I'll share additional information about how you and I can truly thrive during this and any other time of personal or political exile.

For now, I encourage you to watch Glenn Beck reading my "Letter to Exiles" and use the "share" tools below or on that Web page to encourage your family and friends with this message.

Thank you so much for the stand you are taking -- and the encouragement you have brought to our team by your emails and posts saying, "Let's build!"


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