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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Carrico Supports Day of Prayer

From the office of State Senator Bill Carrico:

Washington – Virginia Senator Bill Carrico (R-Grayson) today urged President Barack Obama to publicly recognize the 150th anniversary of a proclamation signed by President Abraham Lincoln establishing a National Day of Prayer and Fasting. Carrico also asked the President to celebrate the National Day of Prayer, which will be held this Thursday, May 2nd.
Carrico made the requests known in an email to the White House today. The text of the email is below:
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC
April 30, 2013
Mr. President,
On this day 150 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln signed a resolution declaring April 30th as a National Day of Prayer and Fasting. In his proclamation, President Lincoln rightly stated that “it is the duty of nations, as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God.” In the years since that day, the National Day of Prayer has been recognized and celebrated by numerous presidents throughout our history. Lincoln’s legacy lives on in many ways, including his example that we should use this day as one to pray for our nation.
America needs prayer as much today as it did when President Lincoln signed his name to the proclamation in 1863. I am writing to urge you to publicly recognize the 150th anniversary of this important act by a man who you rightly refer to as a role model for success as President of the United States. I also urge you to publicly acknowledge the National Day of Prayer this Thursday, May 2nd, which was codified into law in 1988.
President Lincoln and many leaders since have recognized the importance of prayer for the strength and security of our great nation. I hope you will continue this important tradition. Thank you for your time concerning this matter.
God Bless,
Sen. Bill Carrico
Member, Senate of Virginia

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