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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Les Adams Up for Election Tuesday, June 11

Unfortunately the computer shows only the countries, not the cities or states, in which people are reading this. So we don't know how many of you actually vote in Virginia's sixteenth House district. We don't. (I'm in Gate City...I'm afraid to say anything about a candidate for the Rival School's town!) If you have a vote in Tuesday's election, however, you may be interested in supporting Les Adams. The heading below came from Patricia Evans:

"Please remind all of your family, friends and neighbors to vote for Les Adams for Delegate on June 11th!

From Les Adams:

As we enter the home stretch, we still need your help! Turnout for this election will be low and every vote will count.

If you can help between now and June 11th, please contact the campaign at
434-432-1600 and we will get you involved in the Adams Army.

Specific things you can do to help include:

  • Making phone calls and door-to-door visits to 25-30 of your friends/neighbors
  • Contacting your family and close friends this weekend to ask them to vote for me on June 11th
  • Working a shift at the polls on the day of the primary
Going into the home stretch, I am honored to have received the endorsement from Delegate Ben Cline and the Virginia Conservative Victory Project. I’ve run a campaign based on Principled Conservative Leadership, and the endorsement of the House Chairman of the Virginia Conservative Caucus is another validation that I am the true conservative candidate in this race.

Adding to the momentum, Martinsville Republican Committee Chairman Jeff Williams and Darriel Burnett, a grassroots conservative activist, have endorsed my candidacy for the 16th House District. Also, we have more people joining the Adams Army daily.  Below are two new additions:

“As a retired investigator from the Pittsylvania County Sheriff's Office I would like to publicly endorse Les. He is what we need to not only to be our voice but he is a hard worker who I have worked with in our court system and know him to work tirelessly for what is right for all. I will be voting for Les on June the 11th and again in the fall race.” - Larry Dockery, Pittsylvania County

Virginia Right: “I was very impressed with the resume of Les Adams, especially that he taught part-time at the Helms School of Government at Liberty University and was unafraid to give a church affiliation.  We need more followers of Christ in politics.  I am thrilled and honored to endorse Les Adams for House of Delegates in the 16th District.  Please remember:  Every vote counts!  Make sure you are voting next Tuesday as turnout will be light.” - Sandy Saunders

YOU are the most powerful advocates in your community, so your support is very important to me.  Please remind all of your family, friends and neighbors to vote on June 11th!

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."  - Thomas Jefferson  Virginia Tea Party Patriots   Danville Patriots "

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