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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Book Signing in Chantilly, Virginia

From Dr. Ron Paul:

"Are you worried about the state of the public schools, which can't seem to teach reading, writing, or arithmetic, but have plenty of time for fake history, Keynesian economics, war lies, and state worship?

Me, too, and one solution is for parents to take back their rights, and teach their children as they see fit. That's why I've written my latest book, The School Revolution: A New Answer for Our Broken Education System.

Millions of parents are homeschooling now, and the more the better. Even those of us who have grown children benefit from a society with parent-educated kids. So does the cause of freedom. And if it bothers the drones in the Department of Education and the teachers union, we know we’re on the right track.

My book not only makes the argument for seceding from the government schools, it shows parents how to do it. And if you are a grandparent, or not a parent at all, this book is still important to you, as is the cause it champions. You will like the historical and moral arguments, that apply to everything we believe in.

Today is the publication day. The establishment is rooting for my book to flop. But you can help me frustrate them.

Please buy a copy from Amazon, hardback or Kindle, for yourself or as a gift, or both. For the sake of saving a free society, this message must get out.
" [nice signature graphic that activates some sort of e-mail spam filter]

"P.S. Just a reminder, I’ll be signing copies of The School Revolution this Friday at the 2013 Liberty Political Action Conference.  Hope to see you there!

For those who've not received multiple e-mails about LPAC, here's one of several e-flyers this web site has received about the fiscal conservatives' gathering in Chantilly, Virginia:

"In less than 48 hours, the 2013 Liberty Political Action Conference will kick off at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia!

Since time is running out for you to purchase tickets if you have not yet done so (or to purchase tickets for LPAC’s special events if you have already bought your Three-Day Pass), I wanted to send you a quick reminder.

Each year, hundreds of grassroots activists gather at LPAC for an exciting weekend that includes issue education, top-notch training in political tactics, and opportunities to visit with speakers and other liberty-minded attendees from all across the country.

If you’ve never been to LPAC, I hope you will join us this year and see why so many find it to be a highly motivating and encouraging event.

Dr. Paul will speak to the General Session on Friday night, September 20.  Earlier that day, he’ll sign copies of his new book, The School Revolution (just released today), and he’ll also join attendees for a private reception.

If you’ve already bought your Three-Day Pass for the General Session, more information about tickets for LPAC’s special side events is available here.

Other speakers this year include Senator Rand Paul, Congressman Thomas Massie, Congressman Justin Amash, Bruce Fein, Jim Antle, Mike Church, as well as three of Dr. Paul’s former congressional staffers, Jeff Deist, Daniel McAdams (now Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity), and Norm Singleton (C4L’s Vice President of Policy).

So don’t wait!

Learn more here and purchase your tickets today!

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