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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

D.C. Is the Worst Place to Drive: It's Official

From; this is an abridgment of one story in a half-dozen that arrived in one e-mail, for which I didn't see a link, but the full story may still be accessible from the main Newsmax page.

Washington, D.C., Drivers Are Worst in Nation — Again

Drivers in the nation's capital are more than twice as likely to get into traffic accidents than the national average, a new report reveals — making Washington residents the worst drivers in the country.

Washington drivers go an average of just 4.8 years between accidents, according to Allstate's ninth annual "America's Best Drivers Report." The average American goes 10 years between accidents.

This is the sixth year in a row that Washington has ranked at the bottom of Allstate's report.

Washington suburbs Alexandria and Arlington rank 7th and 10th respectively among the most crash-prone cities, and nearby Baltimore is second behind Washington with drivers experiencing an accident every 5.4 years.

The nation's best drivers are in Fort Collins, Colo., where drivers average 13.9 years between collisions. This is the third time in the Allstate report's history that Fort Collins has held the top spot.

Rounding out the best five are Boise, Idaho, at No. 2, followed by Sioux Falls, S.D.; Brownsville, Texas; and Madison, Wis.

Among cities with more than 1 million people, drivers in Phoenix, Ariz., are tops, with a collision every 9.8 years. Philadelphia ranks No. 189 with an accident every six years.

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