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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Pawpaw Blossom Image...Lost Forever?

On May 13, 2014, I published a photo of a pawpaw blossom on Bubblews. I took the picture with a camera phone. After e-mailing it to myself, I tidily deleted it from the phone. After uploading it from the e-mail file, I tidily deleted the e-mail file. My picture of the pawpaw blossom, beautifully backlighted, may have been destroyed forever when Bubblews' format changes destroyed it.

While reclaiming this post from Bubblews, I felt that it's only fair to show readers what the flowers of Asimina triloba look like. Here's a nice photo essay about the life cycle of the pawpaw tree, with the flowers brightly lighted so they appear almost rose-colored on this computer screen:

The image at Wikipedia (scroll down) is closer to what I see at this time of year in real life:

Here's the post reclaimed from Bubblews:

Possibly for the first time on the Internet, here's a rare photo of a pawpaw blossom. When the light's not shining through them they look drab and black. I happened to look up and see this one backlighted by a bright, sunny sky, so that the flower looked red. 

Pawpaw trees exist in a symbiotic relationship with Zebra Swallowtail butterflies. Both trees and butterflies can fairly be described as "strange" in North America, since each is the only representative of a tropical family that's found north of southern Florida. Pawpaw trees don't look much like any other North American trees, nor do Zebra Swallowtails resemble any other North American butterflies.

If all goes well, this flower will attract a butterfly (I saw one about 500 yards away on the same afternoon), be pollinated, and, by September or October, produce an edible fruit.

Here is a Zebra Swallowtail, photographed by Dancesincreek at

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