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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Link Log for December 29

Categories: Charity, Food (Yuck), Politics, Virginia Legislature 2016 Sneak Preview.


For those who need to make a quick tax-deductible donation, a few e-friends would like to suggest some good 501(c)(3) causes:

Alex Trebek, the man with all the answers, suggests phone time for a soldier as the answer to "Best way to make a small to medium-sized tax-deductible donation." The temporary link should open a page you can use to donate as many phone cards as your tax-deduction needs indicate:

"Your gift to the USO will connect service men and women to the things they love and will demonstrate your gratitude – as a generous American supporter – for their sacrifice.

Click here to make a tax-deductible gift of $10 or more to support our selfless military members and their families before Dec. 31. Your gift will help the USO reach its 2015 goal to provide the maximum support for our service members throughout 2016, and they can’t do it without your gift now.

Thank you for doing right by our country’s bravest,

Alex Trebek"

For those who'd prefer to support medical research, the McDougalls have set up a special temporary link just for you. The McDougall Foundation supports research on the role of food choices in preventing and/or reversing disease, and btw, they e-mail out a monthly selection of delicious vegan recipes:

Food (Yuck) 

(Regular readers may skip this paragraph:) Even Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has twice failed to testify under oath because she claimed brain injuries, has admitted that labels on GMO foods might be a good idea. Maybe some people thrive on GMO food, although I have a feeling that they won't for long, and would want to seek out specific modifications; maybe there are people out there whose allergies to natural soybeans aren't triggered by GMO soy products. For sure, people like me need to be able to avoid GMO corn...specifically "Roundup-Ready" corn, "enhanced" with DNA from Escherichia coli bacteria, as distinct from BT corn, "enhanced" with DNA from Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria. I don't notice a different reaction to BT corn than I have to natural corn (I tolerate both well, in moderation) but E. coli corn literally shreds my digestive system. 

But Jeffrey Smith, who circulated the good news that Candidate Clinton supports the consumers' right to know about GMO's, adds the following Clarification:

"My sincerest apologies for not being clear in the front of my article about Hillary Clinton which could only be read in its entirety on the website.

The full article exposed Clinton's long history of being pro GMO, ties to Monsanto through close associates, and failure to grasp the simplest of truths about GM science.

Clinton's statement in favor of consumers right to know and her rejection of the Dark Act, however, may end up being helpful for those who call or lobby Democratic senators in January, trying to prevent the Senate from passing a Dark Act of their own.

Safe eating,


By "the website" he means


John McAfee, as in McAfee virus protection, wants to run for President of the United States on the Libertarian Party ticket? he says, it's a chance to inject the right ideas into the debate. Rand Paul could easily be the Libertarian candidate if he weren't seriously interested in winning. It would be nice if Mr. McAfee and Senator Paul could join forces.

Virginia Legislature 2016 (Sneak Preview) 

Cheryl Chumley leaks the story of a bill, sponsored by our own Senator Carrico, that's just too good to miss. You will laugh.

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