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Thursday, November 3, 2016

November 3 Link Log

Short one, today, because I spent most of my online time at a site that has paid (although not much). In terms of e-mail (as distinct from money) I sooo couldn't afford to do that. I may never see the bottom of this week's e-mail at all. Today's Categories: Amazon, Politics, Writing.


Let's see, I've already said nice things about The Book of Barkley this week, so here's a link to the next book I'm (scheduled to) review on Amazon some time next week. (Sorry...writing jobs that pay cash, or that I believe are meant to pay cash, bump up ahead of those that pay in books. But I will post those reviews; nice books, both; 5 stars for Barkley and I expect for Kid Chef too.)


Having linked to some of Scott Adams' anti-Clinton posts, here's a link to Chuck Wendig's anti-Hillary post, Just. To. Be. Fair. I find only one of CW's arguments at all comparable to one SA has largely ignored--the Supreme Court question.


In view of this week's extended rant about the different types of blogs that are emerging, which the computer says is attracting more traffic than any previous rant or series I've written, what do youall think of the Boxteddy site? It seems to be about furniture first and college memoirs second (how obviously can we market furniture to young nest builders?), but what catches my eye is that the site has two distinct parts. The "buy something now" side has lots of those splashy pictures I don't like. The "blog" site is tidy, easy to read, and not even apparently about furniture (but don't your college or just-out-of-college memories include buying furniture?). Is this the ideal model for your blog, or do you want two distinct blogs, one for readers and one for TV viewers?

Another Terrible Mind, not scary, about writing in general:\

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