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Friday, October 27, 2017

Tim Kaine Meets with Military Spouses

(Edited to remove typographical error from the title.)

Editorial comment: Employment for the young people shown in the pretty picture that fouled up the browser? All well and good. What about fair compensation for older military spouses who can't even think about employment because they are full-time caretakers?

Anyway. From U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA):

This week, I joined military spouses and business leaders in Arlington for a summit on improving employment opportunities. We discussed obstacles to employment for military spouses – like moving from place to place and dealing with credentialing and licensure across state lines – and successful strategies businesses have implemented to recruit and welcome military spouses into their workforces.

This event started a good dialogue about how our businesses and institutions can support military spouses. We talked about what Congress can do to help and how we can work more closely with our Governors, businesses, and military installation commanders to address unemployment issues. This event was a positive step and I believe the conversation we had opened up eyes in the room to the magnitude of this challenge that military families are facing and will ultimately bring positive change.

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