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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Tim Kaine on Military Budget Cuts to Fund Border Wall

From U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), with editorial comments below:

Dear friend,
More than a month ago, I sent a letter to Acting Secretary of Defense Shanahan about my concerns with President Trump's plan to take billions of dollars from the Department of Defense's military construction budget to build his border wall. I asked which military projects would be affected and the negative impacts it will have on American servicemembers if those projects are terminated. Unfortunately, DoD refused to give us that list before the Senate voted on President Trump's emergency declaration.
Last week, in an Armed Services Committee hearing, I pressed Secretary Shanahan on the delay and this past Monday, the Trump Administration finally released the list of projects that are at risk of losing funding.
Not only do these projects support military readiness, including military training centers here in Virginia, they also ensure the security of our servicemembers, both at home and overseas. The projects at risk include a plant to prevent water contamination at Camp Lejeune, a child development center for military families at Andrews Air Force Base, security updates at the Pentagon and bases across the Commonwealth, and a cyber ops facility at Joint-Base Langley Eustis.
President Trump's own defense advisors have made clear that there is no military emergency on our southern border. Yet the President is still trying to ransack the Pentagon's budget. President Trump is prioritizing his border wall ahead of the safety of our troops, and Congress cannot let this stand.
I hope my colleagues will take a serious look at these projects that support our military and then vote to override the President's veto.

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Editorial comments: Meh. The three Virginia projects on the list look like the sort of thing that can be postponed as long as we stay out of war, but then all defense maintenance projects look that way unless, and until, we're attacked. I think Trump should be doing more to get those who want the wall behind his Gofundme page. I really like the idea of fundraising as an alternative to federal funding.

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