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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Morgan Griffith on Coronavirus

From U.S. Representative Morgan Griffith (R-VA-9):

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 –                                
The coronavirus currently poses a public health threat in the United States. Although no cases are presently confirmed in Southwest Virginia, I want to share with you information and resources that will help prepare you and your family to stay healthy.
Testing is a clear concern for many. Last night on a telephone town hall, one of the questions I received involved tests.
Testing capacity is growing rapidly. Virginia’s Department of Health currently imposes strict guidelines on their testing, but commercial laboratories including Quest and LabCorp are available to process tests if they are ordered by a doctor. Most insurance companies are covering these tests but check with your insurer first to make sure.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website,, features many resources on the coronavirus, including information about symptoms, prevention, and testing.
Practicing good hygiene is essential to prevention. Also, consider rearranging large activities and gatherings, and be careful when making travel plans.
Symptoms of coronavirus include fever, shortness of breath, and cough. Seek medical attention if you come down with these symptoms and avoid contact with those who have them. Older individuals and those with significant underlying conditions are most at risk.
I am receiving frequent briefings about this outbreak from medical professionals and public health officials. Please check my website (, Facebook (, and Twitter ( for more updates.

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