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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Tim Kaine on Coronavirus

From U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA):

Dear friend,
This week, my colleagues and I called on the Trump Administration to provide details on their preparedness and response plans to protect students, teachers, school staff, and American workers from the threat of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).  We must work together to ensure that school districts, institutions of higher education, and employers have the health and safety resources they need to help prevent the spread of the virus in our communities. 
Unfortunately, the President's budget slashes the U.S. contribution to the World Health Organization by 53 percent. It cuts funds to CDC and HHS by 9 percent and cuts funds to NIH by 7 percent. At a time when we need to dedicate more resources to combat the coronavirus, it would be irresponsible to take an axe to our public health infrastructure. We need to listen to the experts, not take away their funding.
The Virginia Department of Health is sharing valuable updates and information on COVID-19. In the coming weeks, I will continue calling for maximum transparency and close collaboration with health experts and scientists as we work to contain the coronavirus.

Editorial comment: If the CDC can't get glyphosate banned, it deserves to be cut by more than a mere 9 percent.

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