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Friday, July 7, 2023

Web Log for 7.6.23

The Cat Sanctuary cats are having a Problem. I'll tell youall more when I know more.


Someone's been reposting the old Mother Earth News articles online. What fun! A few of these ideas seemed promising in the Nixon era but turned out more problematic--comfrey is not actually a good food--and some will work better for some people than for others, but here are lots of ideas for a garden that can be both useful and ornamental.


Why some Native Americans never became Christians...


I'd be interested in watching this documentary about the lives of parking lot attendants (the link is good for this week, Wednesday to Wednesday). I hope it doesn't cross the line to the claim that's made when people want to lay off workers and automate jobs--"Oh their jobs are so painful to them. It's so terrible not being socially equal with the customers." People need to realize that (a) being in a subordinate position is painful only to those who think they should always be superordinate to others, and (b) the people who whine that treating employees "like people" means treating them like superiors who, among other things, don't haff to do any actual work if they don't feeeel like it, are not actually interested in those employees' well-being. 


How do you hear symphonies, Gentle Readers? I find I don't really hear them as a whole, the first several times I listen. Just a lot of gorgeous noise. I have to listen to the record for enough days that if it were a traditional LP it'd start to show wear, before I have a clear mental map of where the different musical motifs go and how they related to one another. Then I usually love them. 

Anyway, save the date if you will be in North Carolina in September. Wu Fei has written a symphony and an orchestra will be performing it, plus one of Beethoven's. The mix of Chinese and European styles might take me long enough to digest to wear out two LPs, but in the end I'd probably like it. 


The Loony Illiberal Left are now trying to bully Real Liberals onto their side by hurling the (to some) insult "right-wing" at them. Tip for liberals who are still bothered by this: Picture them ten years from now, sitting behind signs that say "Homeless Please Help," and realize how much they already sound that way... 


 My Save the Butterflies pencil: 

Someone else's butterfly-theme pencil:

Where there's a pencil, there must be a pen:

Not mine, but lovely:


  1. Those who want to react to my comment on employees not being socially equal with customers, should know it's coming from a person who liked being a secretary and never minded doing errands or making coffee. I didn't want to be a secretary forever but, as temp work, it was not the crime against humanity people tried to make it sound like before they put thousands of women out of work.

    You enter the workforce, you take an entry level job, you're junior and subordinate. You are still "a PERSON!" You get your turn to be the customer! Deal with it! Being an entry-level employee is better than being unemployed.

  2. Love reading your little nuggets of web logs. :)
