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Thursday, October 19, 2023

New Book Review: The Treble with Mr. Swinger

Title: The Treble with Mr. Swinger 

Author: Sheryl A. Frazer

Quote: "He was found unconscious at his home about eight this morning. His name is Ben Swinger."

And his case has fallen into the hands of an improbable Detective Brunner Chao and an even more improbable Psychic Empath Genevieve. Genevieve can communicate telepathically with the comatose. Using her talent, she'll find the assailant (a burglar) and the treasure he was after. Along the way, all conversations between the detective and the Psychic Empath will consist of puns: Swinger, as in dancer, had a friend called Tuba so all discussion of their situation contains puns on musical terms; thus he's not in trouble but in treble, hahaha.

I was not able to sustain disbelief and get into this story, but it's cozy, it's set in Arizona, and it has cats and an Englishman with a theoretically adorable Geordie accent in it. Somebody Out There is going to love this short trailer and the full-length novels meant to follow it all to pieces. 

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