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Thursday, November 23, 2023

New Book Review: Lofty Coffees & Treats

Title: Lofty Coffees & Treats 

Author: H.M. Shander et al.

Quote: "This was a recipe my Grandma and I used to make..."

When eight authors published romantic comedies on Book Funnel where the characters met in coffee shops, they decided to put together a recipe book of sweet treats the characters might eat with their coffee. (In one recipe, the dessert is melted into the coffee, and becomes the special "toffee coffee" a young athlete drinks for luck before games.) 

If you like coffee, chocolate, cinnamon, and/or cream, the only thing you might not totally love about this book is the amount of exercise it will take to burn off all the delicious calories; Recipes range from so sweet your teeth might ache just from reading about them, to the not-too-sweet dark-chocolate kind. The book includes a recipe for "Pupcakes," not-too-sweet wholemeal cupcakes made with peanut butter adn banana, that humans can enjoy sharing with dogs.  

The traditional Thanksgiving menu needs no additions. Let's just say that these desserts will encourage children to finish the remains of the turkey.


  1. I have a terrible sweet tooth, so this book would be my cup of tea (to go with the goodies, lol.)

  2. I love the idea! But I couldn't find the book... :(

    1. I'm sorry it's taken so long to find the Coffee Loft Authors' e-mail addresses! Try .The book is a freebie for readers of any Coffee Loft Author; their books are free or cheap on Amazon, Book Funnel, etc.
