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Friday, December 8, 2023

Book Review: Tara and Her Grumpy Second Chance

Title: Tara and Her Grumpy Second Chance 

Author: K.C. Kirkland (from Texas!)

Date: 2023

Publisher: K.C. Kirkland

Quote: "I was wondering if you would cater my wedding reception."

Tara, a dignified widow with grown-and-gone children, liked Timmy in high school, but they drifted apart after graduation. Both of them married other people. Both of those people have died, and when Timmy moves back to town he opens a business in direct competition with Tara's. Both Tara and Timmy feel a bit grumpy toward each other. But when Timmy's niece insists that they collaborate on her wedding reception, the scheming brat has an agenda that goes beyond her wedding. When she throws her bouquet and her bridegroom throws her garter, they know where to aim...

I enjoyed this wholesome small-town romance between the baker and the caterer. One thing not to love is that they have food fights--plural; I was brought up in the belief that it's a sin to waste good food. Apart from that, their approach-avoidance drama is believable and their small town is a pleasant place to visit. If you like a wholesome romance where the older couple's thoughts get more attention than the young couple's passions, you'll enjoy Tara and Timmy in spite of their moments of grumpiness. Most of the time they're a fun couple.

Two living writers use the name "K.C. Kirkland" so it's important to clarify, when looking for this one's books on Amazon, that this is the one from Texas.  


  1. Food fights aside, it does sound like an interesting tale. So I might give it a go...

  2. Thank you for visiting and commenting, Yvonne and Magaly.
