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Monday, January 15, 2024

New Book Review for 1.8.24: Hounds and Heists

Title: Hounds and Heists 

Author: Rachel Lynne

Date: 2022

Publisher: Seven Oaks

Quote: "Someone has stolen Coco!"

Since Cocopuff strays "at least twice a month," Deputy Holly Barker doesn't think tracking her down should be a high priority, until serving a court notice alerts her to a dognapping operation. This is not really a mystery, though. This is an introduction to a series of novels in which Holly does solve mysteries with multiple suspects. This is just the story of how she acquired her faithful canine companion. 

What's to love is what's not to love. Not much suspense, just atmosphere. A few extra views of the main characters that will help solve the mystery in each full-length novel, an introduction to the island off the Carolina coast where Holly lives, and the sub-theme of holiday decorating that will unify the series. Holly's mother calls her Holly Marie Barker but her name has, at some point in her life, included "Daye," and her adventures always involve decorating for one holiday or another. (I read this one early in case it was Christmas. It's not. It's the Fourth of July.)

If you want a virtual vacation to a scenic, murky, marshy island where it's not always summer but sunny afternoons are generally warm, here is one. No worries. Although this is the one time in her life when Cocopuff really has been stolen,  she'll be all right in the end.

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