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Monday, March 4, 2024

Book Review: Needing a Savior

Title: Needing a Savior Prequel

Author: Sienna Knight

Publisher: Sienna Knight

Quote: "Why are grownups like that? Do they like arguing with each other?"

This is an unusual "prequel" mini-book. It's neither Christian nor a romance; it's a grimly realistic story about two teenagers from unhappy homes. Nate and Sophia like each other, but as each is hiding per own sad situation from per friends, their one date doesn't go well. Taking Sophia home early, by her request, is Nate's first step on the road to addiction. 

There will be a "Support Group Series" of longer novels about the role love and marriage play in the way Christian couples confront Serious Problems. The story of Nate's and Sophia's "second chance romance" will be told in one of those novels. 

At this point, however, the story contains no Christian content. 

If you like a romance with a happy ending, you'll have to pay for a longer book with Christian content to get one. What do you think of this marketing technique? It's allowable under the rules of the genres: romances don't have to have a happy ending even though some lines of paperback romance novels do, and Christian literature can be about the damage sin does to people. Whether you'll like this interpretation of the rules, I don't know. I can tell you that Knight uses good writing skills to portray lifelike characters with real-world problems.

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