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Monday, March 25, 2024

New Book Review: Grumpy Firefighter Save Me

Title: Grumpy Firefighter Save Me 

Author: Luna Lovelace

Date: 2024

Publisher: Luna Lovelace

Quote: "I'd never...imagined that my daughter would catch me, pants down, with a woman."

I don't know the writer known as Luna Lovelace, but I'd bet money that they are a couple. Too much of this novel is written from the man's point of view, too credibly, for a woman to have written it without a lot of male help. That, and...other things. Women can write romances that seem true to live in which not much happens, as in real life, beyond people noticing that they have "feelings" and choosing to reveal those feelings to each other, but men like larger-than-life action to go with their larger-than-life emotions, and I'm pretty sure that that's why this novel begins with Lorenzo dragging a slightly concussed Harper out of a wrecked car. While half-conscious, Harper gropes Lorenzo's body and makes the sort of raunchy jokes about it that guys...Well, this is a 90% sweet romance with two explicit bedroom scenes and lots of bad language. 

The rules of the "enemies to lovers" subgenre allow many romances to be about couples who've quarrelled over misunderstandings, who've never been enemies, but Harper and Lorenzo have been enemies before they met at the scene of the accident. As his ex-wife's divorce attorney, she accepted as true all the bad things Lorenzo's ex said about him, and really believed he'd be an unfit parent--though hes had custody of the child for five years, anyway, and the child's obviously not abused or neglected. Lorenzo hated the arrogant Anglo-American lawyer who was accusing him of being unfit to keep his daughter, too. 

The daughter, now nine years old, likes both of them, and they like her, so when the wreck forces them to spend time together they begin to notice each other's likable qualities. As in...fertility. There's a detailed kissing scene, a detailed what-a-guy-runs-off-to-do scene, and a detailed sex scene. 

So, this is definitely not a book parents will want to explain to children, and it's not for the p.c. Outside of those categories, some readers will love it. 

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