Thursday, January 26, 2023

Toward "Eating Healthy" on a Budget: Step 1, a Plan

Part 1

Below is an article or pamphlet by Dr. Ann Corson, who apparently authorized it to be circulated freely around the Internet. I'm always wary of any attempt to give advice to the general public about what individuals should eat for their health, as if we were all designed to eat the same thing. We're not all designed to eat the same thing; take it from an Irish-American celiac. Nevertheless, the general diet discussed below is a good plan for most people who want to avoid or recover from COVID-19 or from the vaccine they had; it's your basic immune-system-building plan, not much changed since Jethro Kloss's time (a hundred years ago). With appropriate modifications for any special dietary needs people have, this plan has worked for thousands of people. It's what made the Seventh-Day Adventist hospitals famous. 

There is still an excellent chance that this diet will help you if you can get fruit and vegetables that aren't full of glyphosate. That's hard to do. "Organic" foods sold in the supermarket are not truly organically grown; they're sprayed with toxic chemicals, often including glyphosate. You may tolerate some of the "organic vegetables" at Wal-Mart--it'll be the luck of the draw, depending on what exactly was sprayed on them--better than you tolerate the regular veg. If so, the extra price is worth paying. In many if not most cases, paying for the "organic" stuff in the supermarket amounts to cheating yourself. You need to find clean nsprayed veg. The best way to do that is to grow your own but, of course, you probably will also have to live a mile away from any paved road, railroad, fire hydrant, etc., since most local governments think it's smart and frugal to control vegetation around those places by spraying glyphosate. You may have to get on the phone and yell at your electric power company about aerial spray poisoning of power lines, too, before you can safely eat your own home-grown plant-based food.

For optimum immune boosting you don't eat meat or milk products, but if you can't get glyphosate-free fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains, you may have to make compromises. You will not get the anticipated results from any plan to "eat for health" if what you eat contains glyphosate. Even if you don't have an obvious glyphosate reaction, you won't be absorbing nutrients from foods or supplementsas you would normally do when glyphosate is in our digestive system. 

Dr. Corson's article is long enough, so I'll post some more about making the changeover next week. I do want to make this a weekly feature. I saw on a forum, where someone had reposted the article below, a couple of wails that "Most people can't do this." I have sooo been there. I had to do the immunity-boosting diet to get back to work and pay the rent, but at first glance it seemed as if I couldn't...the "healthy" food was so expensive, and not very good quality in the city in winter, at that, and I liked things that weren't on the menu and I'd feel starved without them, and so on. I worked through this stage. So can you. But for this post let's start with Dr. Corson's article:


Despite all this overwhelming and frightening information, there is hope for those who received these injections either voluntarily or under duress. There are ways to rebuild your immune system, fight the emergence of latent infections, reduce the risk of cancer, manage the likelihood of blood clots, and help your body clear any circulating spike proteins.

This Is What I Tell My Patients:
Diet is most important. We literally are what we eat. The body’s only fuel to heal, replace, grow, and renew is the food you eat. You must drink plenty of fresh, clean water. Your diet should consist of organic whole foods, 100 percent grass-fed meat, free-range poultry, wild-caught fish, plenty of green leafy vegetables, nuts, healthy fats such as coconut oil, organic olive oil, grass-fed lard and butter, limited grains, minimal fruit sugars, and a complete avoidance of GMO, pre-processed, or highly refined foods, especially those high in added sugars.

Many respond well to a gluten-free diet, as gluten itself is inflammatory, and many glutinous foods contain high levels of residual agricultural products such as glyphosate. It’s also advisable for some to eliminate dairy from the diet for the same reasons.

Avoid processed vegetable oils and trans fats. Sugar is damaging to the body in many ways and should be avoided altogether, especially sugary drinks and sodas, except for that found in nutrient-packed fruits such as berries. Caffeine intake should be restricted to roughly 100 mg daily and aspartame-containing dietary beverages or foods should be strictly avoided.

It’s also important to avoid all kinds of environmental toxicities, including cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, toxic household cleaners, and non-organic personal care products and makeup.

Immune system support starts with a good organic multivitamin with trace minerals. Support T cells and NK cells with adequate vitamin D3 with K2, zinc with an ionophore such as quercetin to take zinc intracellularly where it’s needed, and vitamin C. Herbs that help support immune system function include andrographis, ashwagandha, cat’s claw, echinacea, Japanese knotweed, garlic, ginseng, morinda or noni, and turmeric. Herbs that help regulate an overactive or dysfunctional immune function include astragalus, berberine (from Coptis chinensis), curcumin, milk thistle, and scutellaria or Chinese skullcap.

Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, artemisinin (from Artemisia annua), isatis (Isatis tinctoria), morinda (Morinda citrifolia), neem (Melia azadirachta), oregano oil, olive leaf extract, star anise (Illicium verum) as well as the amino acid L-lysine can protect against new and recrudescent viral infections.

Reduce the risk of blood clotting and help break up circulating spike proteins by taking omega 3 fatty acids, fibrinolytic enzymes (lumbrokinase and nattokinase), proteolytic enzymes (serrapeptase), lipases, bromelain, and vitamin E, as well as herbs that support the cardiovascular system such as Chrysanthemum morifolium flower petals, danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza), and scutellaria. Low doses of aspirin may also be needed.

Antioxidant support can include alpha-lipoic acid, beta-carotene, coenzyme Q 10, EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate, the most abundant catechin in tea, which is also a zinc ionophore), glutathione, lycopene, lutein, manganese, NAC (n-acetyl cysteine), quercetin, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zeaxanthin. Herbs that have strong anti-oxidant qualities include olive leaf and scutellaria. Spices such as cinnamon, clove, garlic, ginger, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and thyme are also anti-oxidants.

Cancer-fighting foods include berries, carrots, citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables (bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, garden cress), the garlic family of vegetables (chive, garlic, leeks, onions, shallots), green tea, and tomatoes. Herbs that help protect against cancer include artemisinin, blackberry leaves, Chrysanthemum morifolium flower petals, danshen, morinda, and scutellaria.

Inflammation in the body will be significantly reduced by following all of the above recommendations. Additionally, extracts of shea nut, turmeric, green tea, black tea, broccoli, stinging nettle leaf, black cumin seed, and grape seed; herbs such as andrographis, holy basil, manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), and scutellaria; and antioxidants such as pterostilbene and resveratrol can all help reduce inflammation.

To be healthy, we must clean up our bodies by eating well, reducing incoming toxins, enhancing outgoing toxins, exercising regularly, sleeping well, spending time in nature, and reducing external stress.



Zinc in combination with NAC are essential antioxidants used to degrade graphene oxide.

Other supplements that can be taken to assist with the removal of graphene oxide are:

Milk Thistle
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3

Binders, such as activated charcoal and bentonite clay, among others, are also potentially useful to remove metals and other toxins from the body.


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