Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Morgan Griffith on the American Dream

From Congressman Morgan Griffith's E-Newsletter:

“An Elusive American Dream”

The Associated Press wrote a piece using recent survey data indicating that four out of five American adults struggle with poverty and unemployment for some of their lives, “a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.”  Their numbers indicate that this trend is on the rise, and that by 2030, “close to 85 percent of all working-age adults in the U.S. will experience bouts of economic insecurity.”  Specifically mentioned in this piece is the Ninth District’s own Buchanan County, described as “a declining coal region” and with one resident saying “I think it’s going to get worse.”
I hope that President Obama saw this piece, and took note of the impact his anti-coal policies are having on Buchanan County, other coal-producing regions across the United States, and their surrounding communities.  With America’s great natural wealth, work ethic, and ingenuity, I believe there is no reason for the report of the Associated Press to be reality.  But to make certain that America is strong economically, we have to have policies coming out of Washington that don’t punish hard-working Americans who are trying to make better lives for themselves and their communities.  "

Hey, I read that article on Newsmax yesterday; linked to it on my Google+ page. If you didn't see the article on Newsmax or in your local newspapers, here's the link:


And here's my Google+ page, which is the quickest place for me to post links to some but not all the other people's work I want to commend without adding much commentary, so that's where a lot of the links to news stories are likely to be found in the future...


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