Thursday, May 13, 2021

Hunting the Limerick

(Magaly Guerrero suggested the theme of "hunting" at . Several people suggested limericks, ideally on the day of Edward Lear's birthday, but I didn't have Internet service at the time so I'm going with--or should we say shooting for?--the week.)

A hunter I'm glad I am not.
When shooting I waste all my shot.
Hunting veggies in Spring
Is a more pleasant thing:
They don't struggle when thrown in the pot.


  1. I wonder how we'd feel about hunting veggies, if we could understand them the way we do animals...

  2. I love this humorous limerick. I could never bear to think of lobsters being "thrown in the pot" of boiling water!

  3. Limericks are the fun bits of poetry ... yours does not disappoint. Glad I returned for one last look-see.
