Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Snowflake Time

Yes, Gentle Readers, it’s true: I am urging women on Twitter to adopt a new rule that “f’you!” should always be treated as a threat of violence.

Kyle Kashuv, school shooting survivor, is taking the wrong tack by engaging the one of his former schoolmates who actually seems to want more young men shot in the back:

Young Hogg has had time to recover from the shock by now, and to know that gun bans in Washington, D.C., actually led to a flood of murders, 0.9 per day for years until murderers were told that nonviolent Washingtonians just might be able to shoot back again, and then the murder-a-day rate sunk back to a rate of homicide comparable with those in Maryland and Virginia overnight. (He knows this all right, because he's on Twitter and I've told him. With solid links; if anyone wants to review the links, send money and I'll post them again here.) He's not interested in keeping other school children safe. He's a hater who wants to be free to mow them down, himself. 

How do we know? By the fact that he continues to scream for gun bans, and by the way he reacted to an older woman who'd been kind to him. Males who say "f'you!" to females also say it to males. It means that they want to believe that (a) they're entitled to kill anyone and (b) they're able to kill women by rape. (Both beliefs are generally false and we might be a better society if we faced what really happens when the most sensitive part of the male body confronts the mighty female fingernail. Men can die that way, too...not that I'm recommending it.) 

Hater-boy needs and deserves to be ignored to death, on all media of communication, and in social life. (If he actually committed suicide because he was being ignored, no loss.) He needs to know that, for the rest of his wretched life, the only way he can hope to get the attention he craves is by saying "I humbly beg your kind and generous pardon, Ma'am." With appropriate body language. Until he starts to feel it. He needs to know that the only response his nasty little mouth is going to get, otherwise, is that if he yells loudly enough or spews out ugly enough words, he might find himself alone in a padded cell. 

Toward that goal, we need to eliminate hater-boy's hatespews from all public discourse.

This should not be done by robot censorship (although that's worked for some private forums). Though the F-word itself attracts bad things to computers when it’s not banned by site contracts, so typing it into a computer is always stupid, it’s not always a threat. People make babies in all kinds of moods and ways, so the rude word for that act is heard in all kinds of contexts. The way people use this word seems to correlate with the quality of their private lives. Desirable mates use any word that refers to making babies sparingly, but lightheartedly, with twinkles in their eyes. The ones who constantly talk about making babies in a bored, sullen, depressive, hostile way are advertising what they’re like in bed, and should be free to do so, just in case anyone might otherwise have been attracted to them.

I mean...the poster boy for using the F-word to express general hostility used to be Richard Nixon.

“‘F*k’ is my comma,”tweeted one poor little thing, identifying with too many young-and-hopeless types on whom it used to be fashionable for ladies to waste empathy. I don’t know that any amount of empathy for these people ever did them any good. So far as I've seen, they can’t be helped. They don’t have depression so much as they are depression. Their freedom to express themselves in ugly words at least makes it easier to avoid them. So let’em refer to excrement every time they open their mouths, since the easier it is to avoid them the better...but it’s time to call them to account for using a word that means making babies as a threat to commit rape/murder.

Defenders of printing “f*k” and using it in movies used to claim that they enjoyed making babies and wanted the world to be more comfortable with talking about making babies in a loving way. (There used to be a theory that if people felt more sensual pleasure they’d feel less violent etc. etc., as expressed by the slogan “Make Love Not War.” It’s considered to have been disproved.) Fine. You want to go on Twitter and tweet to your Significant Other about how you want to go home and f*k, fine. I don’t think that should be censored.

I do think it’d be good for Twitter, and especially good for angry millennial left-wingnuts, if everyone agreed that “F*k you” or “F*k teachers” or “F*k Trump” is a threat (even if it’s clearly an idle one) and/or a curse, expressing hate of a large demographic group (women), and profoundly offensive to the same. Somebody tweets it? Report it as a threat. Read “F*k you” exactly as you’d read “Shoot you.”

A lot of people have expressed idle thoughts about sex-free forms of violence...as when somebody told young Justin Carter that he was craaazy, maaan, and Carter replied something like “Right, I’m crazy, I’m going to a primary school and kill a lot of kids,” and, not content with just banning him from social media or making him write ten thousand words about why that “joke” wasn’t funny, adults literally, physically put Carter in jail.

Right. If Justin Carter’s idiotic joke put him in jail, then not only any threat of rape/murder, but also any statement of tolerance for the rape-terrorism “f*k you” implies, should put the speaker in jail. Hogg needs to be where Carter has been.

I posted a tweet to this effect. Somebody using a female-sounding screen name typed “I’d be serving multiple lifetime sentences.” Well, if you plan to continue threatening violent crimes, that may be appropriate. Burden on the State...not necessarily. This web site has endorsed the idea of nutritional therapy for convicts who are genuinely trying to control their impulses and subdue their rages, but this web site has never taken the position that convicts who aren’t trying to improve themselves necessarily need to be fed at all.

If you mean to say “I hate Trump,” which I’m sure is what the Twit meant, then that’s what you should say. Own your hate, your hysterical rage at a man you probably have never met and will never meet. It sounds like a mental illness that way. That is because it is one. When you admit your pathological hostility, you at least open a door for people to help you work through the emotion and find the real cause. For example, a young woman who feels a need to hate a politician who might defund her “right” to “choose” abortion is likely to be repressing awareness of how much she hates herself for letting herself be used to start an unwanted baby and then abort it. She may not have much difficulty finding her rage at the baby-daddy, but she needs help to find her self-hate before it gets even worse.

Some of the worst offenders in posting rape/murder threats on social media are the same individuals who whine that...

* wishing people “Merry Christmas” is “hurtful”

* referring to “the postman” (when “the letter carrier” might be female, horrors!) is “hurtful”

* allowing students to pray for a good safe game, before a sports event, is “hurtful”

* saying that someone shouldn’t have committed suicide upon receiving some bad news is “hurtful”

* and, of course, observing that this whining is silly and tiresome is terribly, terribly “hurtful.”

Right, kids. You want people to spare your tender sensibilities by not reminding you that some of us are celebrating holidays you don’t, not praying for their friends’ safety...and you want to be allowed to trample on the sensibilities of thousands of people Out There who have actually been raped, not to mention millions of women who’ve been denied jobs and even bullied about walking on public streets because the prospective employers and other bullies have failed to do their duty of removing rapists from the area, and it would be terribly hurtful if women showed them up by doing that ourselves...

It’s time to call foul.

Justin Carter had no serious intention of killing children, but instead of the social media ban he deserved he got actual jail time (and quite a lot of it). I’m sure the Twit who self-identified as a 25-year-old woman had no serious intention of raping Trump, either, but “she” certainly needs a social media ban and a thorough investigation.

I’m sure that anyone who uses a word that basically means making babies as a threat or curse definitely needs to be in a place where it’s 100% certain that s/he will not be able to make any babies. Or hurt anyone by trying.


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