There may be a better Winning Protest Song than "Everybody Rejoice," in The Wiz, but since I don't know it, I've used the tune of "Everybody Rejoice." Most of us can't reach Diana Ross's top notes. So, lower the key by a third, or a fifth. It's still a great tune for marching or dancing.
Well, Bayer's on the run! Do they remember 1945?
The day of profit's come and gone! They are just trying to get out alive!
Their glyphosate makes people sick a dozen different ways,
Yet they debate, to wear out cancer patients' dying days!
Join the Bayer Boycott now!
Join the Bayer Boycott now!
Headache trying to begin? Drink some water, take a good hot bath.
Throw out the aspirin! Make Bayer feel the loss and do the math!
Lose Dr. Scholl's--just buy some shoes that really fit your feet!
Bayer controls less of our lives than they thought, ain't that sweet?
Dog or cat has fleas? Then boil their blankets and flea-comb their coats.
No need to make them wheeze, no need to burn their noses and their throats.
Pets' allergies are mostly chemical reactions, just like ours.
Ban things like these*, relief lasts more than twenty-four short hours!
Tampering with genes will feed more population growth, or so they claim?
Bosh! All that means is profit for themselves, their only aim!
No vitamin pill undoes the damage Bayer's poisons do!
They've made us ill! That's why the boycott's good for me and you!
* "These": Printable list at .
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