Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tim Kaine Seeks More Federal Funding

From U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA):

Dear friend,
As Senators, it's our job to represent our states and do everything we can at the federal level to ensure they get the support they need. Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic crisis, state and local governments are seeing revenue plummet, putting their programs and services at risk. In the legislation we've passed so far, we've secured $3.3 billion in relief funding for Virginia and its localities, but it's not enough.
I'm working to make sure the next legislative package includes additional federal support to ensure that critical needs for health care, emergency services, and schools in Virginia are met. If we don't provide relief, local governments will likely be forced to lay off critical personnel, including first responders.
One thing is for certain: we can't afford to lose more jobs in Virginia. That's why we should give state and local governments the flexible dollars they need to prevent layoffs and combat the coronavirus in their communities. I'll keep fighting tooth and nail to make sure our cities and counties receive federal funding to address the devastating effects of COVID-19.
" [nice signature graphic that Google doesn't like: Tim Kaine]

Editorial Comment: Meh. I think lifting the lockdown and putting private employees back to work should come before any other demands for federal funding...even my own claim for the handout check as punitive damages. Y'know, between writing and bookselling my income is still well below $12,000 per year...so the lockdown has put an end to the bookselling? On half what I made last year I'm supposed to eat? I'd like to see Governor Northam get through a year on my income!

As mentioned in this morning's post (the Palinode, on your right) I'd like to see schools and workplaces adopt healthier policies to reduce the spread of all infections. There are people who could die from exposure to silly little summer colds and streppy-bugs and rhinovirus, too. I've been saying for years that all of us should adopt rules of ethics and etiquette that protect those people...without dragging the economy down into socialism.

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