Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Banana Bread Break: A Gluten-Free Recipe

According to Blogspot's statistics page, a substantial majority of readers are here for the updates on the Virginia legislature...but every day, two or three people are still searching for a recipe, craft project, or children's book review. So, here's a gluten-free recipe for banana bread or muffins.

Ingredients for Gluten-Free Banana Bread 

2 very ripe bananas

2 cups corn meal (mixes aren't gluten-free, but you could use self-rising meal)

2 teaspoons baking powder, if using plain corn meal

Sugar to taste (most people like 2-4 tablespoons, depending on the bananas) or other sweetener

1-2 tablespoons crushed flaxseed or flaxseed meal (if available)

Water or milk

Small amount of any optional flavorings you like: cinnamon, anise, vanilla, etc.

Spray or oil

Method for Gluten-Free Banana Bread

Heat oven to 350. Spray or oil 18 regular muffin cups, or 2 loaf pans, or other baking dishes you may want to use for this amount of batter.

Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl.

Mash the bananas in a two-cup measure. If using vanilla or almond extract, add it to the measure. If you want to use an egg, beat it slightly with the bananas in the measure. Fill the measure with water or milk.

Combine the mixtures. If using liquid sweeteners like syrup or honey, add them now.

Bake 15-20 minutes for muffins, or longer for loaves or cake layers, depending on size. When done the bread should rise slightly, brown slightly, and slip out of the pans easily.

Variations on Gluten-Free Banana Bread 

Add any combination of nuts, seeds, dried fruit, fresh blueberries, chocolate chips, or gluten-free trail mix. This will extend the recipe and make more bread or muffins.

Split muffins and spread with fruit preserves and/or butter.

This banana bread can be baked in layer pans, like cake, and layered with fruit preserves and/or mashed bananas and/or cake frosting. The texture will be "different" but the bananas and flaxseed will make a reasonably sliceable layer cake.

If you omit or minimize sweetening, add a little more water, heat the griddle thoroughly and lubricate it generously, banana bread batter can be fried like pancakes. Pass butter and syrup at the table.

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