Friday, November 13, 2015

Robert Hurt on Veterans Day

From U.S. Representative Robert Hurt (R-VA-5), edited to remove "table" formatting that kept the text from displaying on the screen:

November 11, 2015
Dear Friend,
Please join me today in recognizing those who have selflessly served to ensure the safety and security of our great nation. Below, you can view our Veterans Day Video Message by clicking the image below, or clicking here.
“Today, we come together as a nation to recognize and pay tribute to our veterans who have selflessly served our country with distinction and heroism.
“I’m here at Charlottesville’s Dogwood Vietnam Memorial, the oldest civic, public memorial in the United States dedicated to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. On November 4, 1965, US Army Specialist Champ Lawson, Jr of Earlysville became the first Albemarle County area man to die serving our nation in Vietnam. Shortly thereafter, Ken Staples, Bill Gentry, and Jim Shisler found themselves at Staple’s Barbershop at the Barracks Road Shopping Center discussing the idea of a memorial for local men who would give the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. A few days later they met here in McIntire Park and decided that this should be the location for the Memorial. Working with the City of Charlottesville and local businesses, the Memorial’s interim construction was completed on January 12, 1966 and the Memorial was dedicated a few months later in April. The memorial bears the name of 24 military personnel who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
“Virginia is home to over 800,000 veterans and countless more parents and family members of those in uniform who have made immeasurable sacrifices in the name of American freedom.
“As we reflect on the liberties and opportunities we all hold so dear, we remember that it is our veterans, throughout the generations, who have preserved our way of life. As we are reminded of how fortunate we are to live in this great nation and enjoy these tremendous freedoms, we remember that if it were not for those willing to serve, we would not have these blessings. And as we address our nation’s challenges, we remain committed to preserving our American way of life for those who will come after us, and committed to preserving those very freedoms that so many before us have heroically defended.
“Throughout our history, we have encountered grave challenges, and indeed today our challenges still persist. But our veterans remind us of the courage and perseverance that set Americans apart.
“Next month, we look forward to hosting a series of five commemorative ceremonies across the Fifth District specifically recognizing our Vietnam veterans as we observe the 50th Anniversary of the commencement of combat operations in the Vietnam War. If you, or a Vietnam Veteran you know, is interested in participating in one of these commemorative events, please call our Danville office or visit our website, and look for our Vietnam War Commemoration page under 5th District Services.
“I am proud to serve our veterans in Central and Southside Virginia, and I hope that you will join with me this Veterans Day in thanking all of those who have and continue to serve this great nation.”
Washington, DC - 125 Cannon HOB * Washington, DC 20515 * Phone: (202) 225-4711
Charlottesville - 686 Berkmar Circle * Charlottesville, VA 22901 * Phone: (434) 973-9631
Danville - 308 Craghead St., Suite 102-D * Danville, VA 24541 * Phone: (434) 791-2596
Farmville - 515 S. Main Street, P.O. Box O * Farmville, VA 23901 * Phone: (434) 395-0120

Below, you can view our Veterans Day Video Message by clicking the image below, our clicking here.

Veterans Day Video Message

A 23901 * Phone: (434) 395-0120

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