Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Peter Stocker Embarrasses Friends of the Earth

These days I hear a lot more hillbillies say "Joe-wurge" than "Jarge," but one of my grandmothers was a Tennessee hillbilly, and she said "Jarge." Therefore today's topical song is in Hillbilly Mode...dum-de dum-de dum-de dum-de...

Come and listen to my story'bout a man named George,
Curious indeed how he's still fit to roam at large,
Ninety years old and more if he's a day,
And never lived here, yet he wants to run the U.S.A.!
Soros that is! Crazy like a...Silver fox!

Well, the first time I saw him made me wish I hadn't looked,
Funded a foundation whose grant fouled up a friend's book.
Then he paid poor people to be pests as "Occupiers."
Since that year he's funded lots of miscellaneous liars,
Mudslingers that is! 'N' spin artists! 'N' Latter-Day Socialists!

Well, his idea of retirement is to work for all he's worth;
Now he's fighting Trump and using our "Friends of the Earth."
It's a treat to see that this old fellow's still got game!
But it might be a treason charge to sign below his name!
Bad idea that is! If he touched it! Leave it alone!

If Peter Stocker, F.O.E., sent you that "interview,"
Just hit that "Trash" button,'cos here's all a click will do:
Try to steer away from glyphosate and just blame Trump
For following Obama's errors...send that to the "dump"!
Beg much, Pete? Stay out of! My e-mail!

Actually I wasn't surprised that the "digital interview" from Friends of the Earth ended with a plea for money. I was surprised, though, by its blatant awfulness. A person reading the "digital interview" is being set up to think that tolerance for glyphosate and other deadly poisons in the food supply, oil leaks, and a sold-out E.P.A., are new things for which the Trump Administration is to blame. The Trump Administration does deserve some blame, because all Presidents of the United States should pledge to uphold the legendary desk sign of Harry S Truman: "The Buck Stops Here." (That's a reference to then-current U.S. slang; it meant that if other government offices don't solve a problem, the President has to try.) However, the E.P.A. was reasonably accused of being a sluggish sold-out pit of swampiness in 1973, the leaking pipeline was planned during the Obama Administration, and glyphosate levels in the food supply became increasingly massive and toxic every year since 2009.

Here's my reply to the "digital interview" that went out under the name of Peter Stocker at Friends of the Earth:

Nice try to raise money. However I'm quite sure you have more than I do, so you should send me some money. I'm interested in fixing the issues, not attacking a person or party. Glyphosate Awareness has NO politics. We welcome Bernie Sanders; we'd welcome George Wallace or Lyndon LaRouche if they were alive, too. We nag at Trump; we would have nagged at Obama if we'd absorbed more information sooner; we will nag at the next administration if we have to coexist with glyphosate that long.

And, although I think his tolerance for glyphosate would come closer to being a valid reason to impeach Trump than the current foofarah, I think efforts to impeach Trump are a waste of taxpayers' money that will probably cost the opposition more than it costs Trump.

Wake up and smell the coffee. Soros has already been identified as funding this campaign so, although patriotic and public-spirited Americans wish this interesting old man the best, we don't want to be tarnished by association with his efforts to buy influence on U.S. politics. That could subject Trump's opposition to the same kind of charges of "treason" that are being raised against Trump. I voted against Trump before and will probably do it again but let's keep clear heads, even about Trump.


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