Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tortie Tuesday: Autumn Weather at Last

Serena is not the sort of cat who sits around "dictating" Tortie Tuesday posts.

There aren't a lot of snapshots of Serena because she thinks there ought to be more entertaining things to do with cell phones than snap digital photos with them. Like playing soccer with them, probably with points for guessing how many kicks it takes to lose the battery cover in the hedge.

PK (nonverbally, by sitting on the steps to admire the cats): Serena, have you any thoughts to share with your fans all over the English-speaking world, and scattered through the non-English-speaking world, today?

Serena (nonverbally, by bounding down across the road): Thoughts? What's that? It's a wonderful day. That thing on the shady wall may say that Sunday and Monday were even colder than Friday and Saturday, but as any active healthy living thing knows, they were much more enjoyable. Our metabolisms kicked into gear and the chilly temperatures, cold enough to freeze water at night, didn't feel nearly so bad any more. Watch the kittens, will you, while I go after some fresh water that didn't freeze.

Silver: All the dead leaves are fun to chase!

Swimmer: Chase me!

Samantha: As Queen Serena's mother and secretary, on behalf of all of us cats, I thank the friends who sent us that name-brand Purina kibble instead of the usual store-brand analogue. It was much fresher and oilier. The humans said we were acting crazy and stupid about it, but how else are we to show that this was excellent kibble and we want more of it in the future?

Serena: Well I'm back. I think the humans are feeling a little better for this cooler weather, too.

PK: Not so much the weather, I think, as the fact that less poison is being sprayed on the land. The reactions we've been having, which have flared up each time we've been exposed to glyphosate vapors or residues in food, are starting to subside.

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